Historic theatre is in a sorry state

The old Empire Theatre building in Burnley.
Photo Ben ParsonsThe old Empire Theatre building in Burnley.
Photo Ben Parsons
The old Empire Theatre building in Burnley. Photo Ben Parsons
On coming down Cow Lane in the centre of Burnley I noticed the back of the old Empire Theatre building is still in the sorry state it was months and months ago.

The council said they would wait 10 weeks for the owners of the property to get in touch, then they would decide what action to take. That was also months ago and still nothing has been done. It looks like this situation has fallen on stoney ground again.

Talking about “stoney ground”, I was coming along Accrington Road a few days ago and there, sticking out like a sore thumb, were these derelict properties on the main road.

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It would be better to see stoney ground than these eyesores which have been like this for goodness knows how long.

Not an inspirational sight to see on one of the main roads leading into the town, is it?

Also they are an adventure playground for any natural inquisitive child to venture into and explore.

I would dread to think what would happen if any of them got injured by entering these properties. If this did happen I bet the people or departments who are responsible would dig themselves so far into the woodwork you would not be able to find them and take them to task. It looked like going through a war zone when coming along this road.

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Can someone who cares and is interested in what I have just said do something quick and positive for a change.

I suppose it’s OK to spend thousands of pounds on the town hall which, by the way, represents the town, but not on making what I have just referred to, decent and safe.

B. Whittaker


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