Brothers have more than 100 offences between them

Burnley Crown Court.Burnley Crown Court.
Burnley Crown Court.
Two brothers from Nelson, who have more than 50 convictions for 100 offences between them, have been sentenced for drugs and driving offences.

James Norwood (55) and Michael Norwood (47), both of Canal Mews, Nelson, appeared at Burnley Crown Court where they had earlier pleaded guilty to two offences each on the first day of a trial.

Michael Norwood was jailed for four years by Judge Ian Leeming QC after admitting possession of heroin with intent to supply and a charge of possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

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James Norwood had pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis with intent to supply and dangerous driving but he was spared jail after the judge was told he had found a well-paid job as a delivery driver and was making progress with turning his life around. Judge Leeming sentenced him to 17 months in prison suspended for two years. He was also ordered to complete 100 hours’ unpaid work, pay £750 compensation and was banned from driving for 12 months.

The court heard police spotted the brothers driving at speed along Every Street in Nelson towards Canal Mews in a Vauxhall Corsa on June 23rd 2014.

The officers followed the car onto Canal Mews where the brothers parked it next to the railings facing the canal. Michael Norwood got out of the vehicle and started walking towards the rear of the car. One of the officers shouted at Michael Norwood to stop and could see him put a small white bag into his hand. He then threw it over the railings into the canal.

The court was told James Norwood drove the car at speed into the police car, damaging the vehicle and smashing is own back window.

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When police recovered the plastic bag thrown into the canal by Michael Norwood, it was found to contain 4.82g of heroin, with a street value of £320. When officers searched a house rented by the brothers in Canal Mews they found 38.8g of cannabis worth £550. They also discovered drugs paraphernalia.

Mr Philip Holden (defending both men) said: “They were low level dealings with a very small number of people.”

He said Michael Norwood had a long-standing addiction to drugs and suffered with serious health problems as a result. “It blights his life and has cost him dearly in terms of his health.”

Mr Holden added Michael Norwood had become virtually agoraphobic due to his health problems.

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He told the court that James Norwood had a job delivering mattresses around the country and his employer would give him an alternative job to driving.

“He has got himself free from drugs for the first time in a very very long time. These are pretty significant developments.”

Addressing James Norwood, Judge Leeming said: “I accept that you are remorseful like your brother. You’ve made considerable progress since 2009.”

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