Pendle withdrawn from controversial pay-parking plan but Burnley still likely to lose free parking

Geoff Driver and Paul WhiteGeoff Driver and Paul White
Geoff Driver and Paul White
Nelson and Colne have dramatically been withdrawn from Lancashire County Council's controversial plan to introduce on-street pay parking.

Today at Lancashire County Council’s Cabinet meeting, the Conservative administration announced it will remove Nelson and Colne high streets from being included in the scheme to introduce on-street parking charges.

This decision came as welcome news for local businesses and residents alike, as worries mounted that this would have a negative impact on Pendle’s high streets. Colne Liberal Democrats had prepared a 2,000 name petition protesting against the original plans of the Conservative administration.

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The Tory leader of Pendle Council, Paul White, and Pendle’s Tory MP Andrew Stephenson, have had several meetings with the county council leadership to make the economic case against the introduction of these charges.

Geoff Driver and Paul WhiteGeoff Driver and Paul White
Geoff Driver and Paul White

Labour controlled Burnley will have to wait until Thursday to discover if free parking is to be ended in the town.

Coun. White commented: “This is a big win for businesses and residents in Pendle and I’m pleased that the county council leadership have taken onboard the potential issues these charges could have caused to our High Streets and stepped in to take action. I would like to thank Geoff Driver and the Team at Lancashire County Council for their support and help with this.”

Andrew Stephenson MP said: “I’m pleased the idea of on-street parking charges in Nelson and Colne will not be taken any further. Having met with the chief executive of Lancashire County Council to object to these proposals, it’s excellent to see that we have a County Administration that will listen to local concerns unlike the last Labour administration; which cut bus services, closed libraries and left thousands of potholes littered across Pendle.”

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County Coun. Joe Cooney said: “Over the last few months, I’ve been working with my colleagues to make the case why on-street parking charges isn’t right for Colne or Nelson. Whilst others shout and grandstand for their own self-promotion, I’ve been focussed on working with the county council to deliver the right outcome, and today’s announcement is vindication of that.”

County Coun. Keith Iddon, the Cabinet Member for Highways said: “After conversations with the Conservative leaders of both Pendle and Lancashire County Council, it has been agreed that we won’t proceed with consultations on parking charges in Nelson and Colne.

"Pendle Council doesn’t charge for parking anywhere in the Borough, as the local Conservative Group are passionately committed to increasing visitors and shoppers in Pendle. We agree the proposals would not be in line with that commitment.”