Rapist jailed after attacking sleeping mother

Jailed: Mark Anton SmithJailed: Mark Anton Smith
Jailed: Mark Anton Smith
A drunk who raped a sleeping mother at a house in Burnley has been given an extended sentence of eight years three months, after a judge ruled he was dangerous.

Ex-drug addict Mark Anton Smith (44) was on licence from jail when he attacked the victim last October.

He had been released early from a four-year term for robbery just five weeks before – the second time he has been released from custody early. Burnley Crown Court heard the victim told police she woke up and found Smith having sex with her. She suffered depression after her ordeal, had to be prescribed medication and needed counselling. The defendant claimed to officers he thought the woman was his girlfriend.

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In February 2012, the defendant was convicted of a “nasty” personal robbery when he terrorised a 64-year-old man in the victim’s own home and threatened to kick his head in. He was released last September and was recalled to custody after the sex attack.

Smith, of Hogarth Avenue, Burnley, admitted rape. He had initially denied the allegation, but changed his plea the day he was due to stand trial. He was sent to prison for six years and three months and was given two years’ extended licence. The defendant was placed on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely.

Peter Barr (prosecuting) told the court the victim told police she went to sleep on a sofa and the next thing she knew she was being raped. She said: “He was having sex with me whilst I was asleep.”

The woman’s underwear was on the floor in front of the television. She said she felt the defendant was blaming her. She told police: “It was my fault, apparently.”

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